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राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, सिक्किम National Institute of Technology Sikkim An Institute of National Importance, MoE Government of India

Induction Program 2023

A five day induction program for newly admitted undergraduate engineering students was organised from 22nd to 26th August, 2023. The purpose of organising Induction is to help new students adjust and feel comfortable in the new environment, inculcate in them the ethos and culture of the institution, help them build bonds with other students and faculty members, and expose them to a sense of larger purpose and self-exploration.
Various eminent motivational speakers, expert, invitee guest, alumni, Deans, HoDs and faculties members of the Institute has addressed the students.
The plenary session of the program was held on 22nd August 2023, where Director, Prof. M C Govil has address the students where he urged the students to build the self-trust and confidence to excel in the life. He also highlighted the roles and responsibilities of today's engineers in the nation building.
Similarly, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji of Art of Living has addressed the students on national induction 4.0 on through online mode. The Instructor of Art of Living has conducted the four-day meditation session for the students
Amongst the various speakers, Commodore S Sabesan from the Indian Navy, Eastern Command has interacted with the students and highlighted the pride and challenges in Indian Navy.
On the fourth day of Induction programme SARATHI organisation had sensitise the students on vital issues like misuse of Drugs, mental health issues, understanding the moral and ethical values of Education. The session was address by Shri Rohit Raj Maharaj, Principal Advisor to Hon'ble Chief Minister of Sikkim and Chief Resource Person of SARATHI. Shri Maharaj Ji spoke on how the misuse of drugs and illicit substances has adversely affected the society. He urged each youth has equal potential to nation building and also reminded the youth's duty in mobilising themselves to safeguard the family, society, friends and nation to fight against the drug abuse.
Mr Manish Kumar Verma, IPS, Principal, Police Training Centre, Yangang has also interacted witht the students.The program also included various motivational session from the academician, industrialist, administrators, alumni and faculty members.

Download the detailed schedule for the induction program : Induction Program Schedule