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राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, सिक्किम National Institute of Technology Sikkim An Institute of National Importance, MoE Government of India

    Women Grievance Cell


In order to maintain safety and security to the girls and women, a cell called 'WOMEN GRIEVANCE CELL' has been constituted for redressal of grievances of Women. If any students, faculty and staff face any harassment from the staff or workers, then they can complain at our women grievance cell. The Cell is responsible for looking into any complaints filed by students & staff about Woman Grievances at the Institute.

Women, who face any kind of sexual harassment, should lodge a complaint here. This cell takes disciplinary action against the concerned, and do justice to the sufferers. 'WOMEN GRIEVANCE CELL' take action against the respective subjects, even before any mischievous things happen. You can contact, the head of women grievance cell, if any problem arises.

Dr. Reshmi Dhara,


Women Grievance Cell,

National Institute of Technology, Sikkim,

