Lab In-Charge (Engineering Graphics): Dr. Kirti
Lab In-Charge (Machine Drawing)): Dr. Sudip
This course is designed to introduce the
students to the “universal language of Engineers”
for effective communication through drafting exercises of geometrical solids. To learn
the technical drawing is an important part of the engineering profession. The objective of
the course is to teach students to communicate using graphic techniques. Technical
Graphics is used to communicate the necessary technical information required for
manufacture and assembly of machine components. These drawings follow rules laid
down in national and International Organizations for Standards (ISO). Hence the
knowledge of the different standards is very essential. Students have to be familiar with
industrial drafting practices and thorough understanding of production drawings to
make themselves fit in industries.
Course Objectives
- To create awareness and emphasize the need for Engineering Graphics in all the
branches of engineering.
To follow basic drawing standards and conventions.
- To develop skills in three-dimensional visualization of engineering component.
- To understand and apply national and international standards while drawing
machine component.
To understand the concept of various tolerances and fits used for component
To familiarize in drawing assembly, orthographic and sectional views of various
machine components
Course Outcome:
- Upon completion of this courses the student will able to demonstrate the
knowledge and ability to:
Understand the importance of ISO Standards, Lettering and Dimensioning in
Engineering Drawing
- Graphically construct and understand the importance of mathematical curves in
Engineering applications Solve specific geometrical problems in plane geometry
involving lines, plane figures and special Curves.
- Interpret Orthographic, Isometric and Perspective views of objects. Draw sections
of solids and development of surfaces including cylinders, cones, prisms and
Visualize geometrical solids in 3D space through exercises in Orthographic
Projections Produce orthographic projection of engineering components working
from pictorial drawings
Identify the national and international standards pertaining to machine drawing.
- Apply limits and tolerances to assemblies and choose appropriate fits.
- Recognize machining and surface finish symbols.
- Explain the functional and manufacturing datum. CO5 Illustrate various machine
components through drawings.
Course Content:
Engineering Graphics (1st Year 1st Semester Course for All Departments)
- Introduction: Overview of the course, Examination and Evaluation patterns. Lines
Lettering and Dimensioning: Types of lines, Copying, Lettering, Dimensioning,
Geometrical Construction: Polygons, Scales, and Engineering Curves.
- Orthographic projection: Principles of Orthographic projection, Projections of
points, Straight
- Lines and traces, Projections of Laminas, Projections of Solids
Development of Surfaces: Draw the development of surfaces for Prisms, Cylinders,
Pyramids and Cones.
Section of Solids: Sectional planes, Sectional views - Prism, pyramid, cylinder and
cone, true shape of the section. Development of truncated objects.
- Isometric views: Isometric axis, Isometric Planes, Isometric View, Isometric
projection, Isometric views.
Machine Drawing (2nd Year 3rd Semester Course for ME Dept)
- Introduction: Representation of elements of machine drawing: Engineering
Materials, Surface finishes, tolerances, sectional views, Screw threads.
- Component Drawings: Bolts and Nuts, Locking devices, Keys and Cotter joints,
Knuckle Joint, Riveted joints, Shaft Couplings, Bearings and Pipe joints.
Assembly Drawing Practice: Draw the assembly drawings of Stuffing Box, Pedestal Bearing using the
component drawings. Machine drawing practice using AutoCAD.
Engineering Graphics and machine
Drawing Laboratory