9 years
Probability and Statistic,
Complex Analysis,
Linear Algebra,
Operational Research,
M.Sc.(2007)- Banaras Hindu University Varanasi
PhD.(2013)-Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Contact Address :
Faculty Room-3,
Academic Block,
1. Om Prakash, A R Roy and A Goswami(2014), Stochastic manufacturing mode with process deterioration and machine breakdown. International Journal of system science. Vol-45,No-12, pp-2539-2551
2. Om Prakash, A R Roy and A Goswami(2013), Manufacturing model with discrete random machine breakdown and discrete stochastic preventive and corrective repair time, International Journal of Procurements Managements Vol 6, no 4, 394-406,
3. A.Goswami, G.C. Mahanta and Om Prakash(2010), Optimal retailer replenishment decisions in the EPQ model for deteriorating items under two level trade credit finance, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, Vol-2,No-1, pp-17-39
4. A. Mahata, A. Anish, Md. Nurujjaman and Om Prakash (2021) Modeling and analysis of the effect of COVID-19 on the stock price: V and L-shape recovery, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,Volume 574, 15 July 2021
5. A. Mahata, A. Anish, Md. Nurujjaman, Om Prakash and D P Bal (2021) Characteristics of 2020 stock market crash: the COVID-19 induced extreme event,Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, Vol.31, Issue 5,053115 (2021)
6. A. Anish, A. Mahata Md. Nurujjaman, and Om Prakash (2021) Statistical properties of the aftershocks of stock market crashes revisited: Analysis based on the 1987 crash, financial-crisis-2008and COVID-19 pandemic, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol 33, Issue no 2, 2250019
7. Om Prakash and Nipa Biswas, (2022), Manufacturing System with Discrete Random Demand under Two Level of Trade Credit Finance,Journal of Intentional Academia of Physical Science, 26, 79-89
8. Om Prakash and Nipa Biswas (2022) Manufacturing inventory model with random demand and finite production rate under two levels of trade credit finance, Int. J. Inventory Research. DOI: 10.1504/IJIR.2022.10047781